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A few weeks ago, I received a card in the mail from a dear friend who recently moved to another state.  Now, we keep in touch regularly through Instagram, Facebook, Marco Polo, texting, the list goes on.  Still, there’s just something about receiving a hand-written card in the mail that feels much more personal.  My friend’s thoughtfulness made my day.

When is the last time you received a card in the mail?  For that matter, when is the last time you actually wrote a note to someone and let the post office deliver it for you rather than just shooting off a text?  For me . . .  it’s been a long time.  Why is that?

True, there is a cost involved in actually sending a physical greeting card.  You have to buy the card, as well as pay the postage to send it.  Every now and again, though, I think the investment is worth it.

Fun Fact:

There are over 6,800 Dollar Tree stores nationwide and this year, they will be celebrating 1 year of carrying Expressions from Hallmark, $1 each, and Heartline a Hallmark Company, 2 for $1 greeting cards. 

With hundreds of greeting cards to choose from, you can celebrate every moment with your friends and family without breaking the bank!

Yes, greeting cards at Dollar Tree are MUCH more cost effective than getting them other places, but the quality of these cards isn’t compromised.  Win-win!  

Seriously, money talk aside, I highly encourage you to take a few minutes and think about the people you care about.  What would a hand-written note from you mean to them?  There is something very powerful about intentionally reaching out to strengthen relationships with those we love.

In the world we live in, it is very easy to feel isolated.  We can be “digitally” surrounded by “friends” who “like” the things we take the time to share, but there often seems to be a disconnect there that leads to many people struggling with loneliness.

I’m not saying that a card or two in the mail will fix isolation and loneliness, but they may ease the burden for at least a little bit.

Fun Fact:

All Hallmark greeting card designs at Dollar Tree are exclusive to Dollar Tree!  You won’t find any of them anywhere else!

There are so many different reasons to send a card.  Today, I’m committing to choosing one, and getting it in the mail by the end of the week.  Will you join me?

FYI:  The following card lines are also available in select stores.